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CMS is pleased to offer three sources of funding. Please read the details below to see if you qualify for the funding. 



Undergraduate and graduate students registered at a Quebec university are eligible to apply for funding allocated specifically by the ISM to their member universities students to attend this CMS meeting. The funding covers, possibly up to a certain amount depending on the demand, travel, accommodation and registration fees. The selection of applicants for the ISM funding will be done by the ISM which may ask for supplementary information during the selection process.


To apply for the ISM funding complete the form below. Students cannot apply to both CMS sources of funding but are encouraged to supplement any CMS funding with other sources from their home university.


Please click Apply button to submit your funding request. The application deadline is October 30. 

Centre de recherches mathématiques (CRM) will support the participation of several young participants such as postdocs and early career faculty members who do not currently have individual research grants. The support includes (possibly partial) reimbursement for travel, accommodation, and registration fees. The CRM funding is competitive and will be decided by the Scientific Committee of the CMS Winter Meeting. To apply please send by October 30 a single pdf file containing a current CV and a brief cover letter indicating the session you intend to speak in and the (tentative) title of the talk, mentioning if invited by the organizers of the session prior to the time of the application.


The applications should be emailed to the scientific directors

Alina Stancu,

Francois Bergeron,

Simone Brugiapaglia,

and the CMS Office, Sarah Watson, in cc.


CRM Funding for French based participants: Centre de recherches mathématiques (CRM) is able to support the participation in the CMS Winter meeting of 5-8 speakers currently based at a university in France. This competitive support is part of the CRM FRQ-mobility program and can include reimbursement for travel and accommodation


To apply, the participants must send by October 1, 2023 an application for a short visit to the CRM starting December 1st or later and indicate that during the time of the visit will attend Montreal’s CMS Winter Meeting. Use the link above and the instructions for the short-time visits under “Visits by Researchers and Students from France to the CRM” to complete and submit the application. (Please note the earlier deadline.)



CRM Funding

Students are not eligible to apply. It is recommended that students apply for student travel funding. (see below)

CMS Funding

With the support of the Concordia University, AARMS, CRM, the Fields Institute, and PIMS grants are available to partially fund CMS student members' travel and accommodation costs. 


Click here to become a CMS Student Member. Alternatively, you can ask your University or institution to purchase a sponsored student membership as part of their institutional membership.  


Preference is given to Canadian students. To apply for this funding, applicants should ask their supervisor or departmental graduate advisor to complete the online application form no later than October 30.


Applicants will be notified in late October of the funding decision. If successful, the student will receive a cheque for reimbursement of expenses after the meeting and upon completion and submission of the standard Travel Expense Claim Form, along with appropriate original receipts.

Student Travel Funding

Please fill in the form below
CMS Logo.png
Fundin Form

Funding Application

This form has to be completed by the supervisor or any faculty member. Please note that CMS student travel funding will only be provided to CMS Student Members. ISM funding is open to undergraduate and graduate students registered at a Quebec university.


2023 Application for Funding | Aide financière aux étudiants

Choose the type(s) of funding(s) you ws to receive:
Please indicate whether the student is planning to participate in one or more of the following activities.


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