
Student Activities
Enhance your CMS Meeting Experience!

AARMS-CMS Student Poster Session
December 2 & 3
Submission Deadline: November 13
Email: studc@cms.math.ca
Organizers: Courtney Allen (University of Guelph)
The Canadian Mathematical Society Student Committee (CMS Studc) invites students to present a poster with a topic of their choice on Saturday, December 2 and Sunday December 3. Presenters are asked to give a short (~3min) presentation to the judges and remain at their posters during judging to answer questions. The winners will be announced following the judging. Prizes are awarded at the banquet to the three best poster presenters, based on content, organization, and presentation.
Each winner will receive two complimentary tickets to the banquet as well as $100 and a framed award certificate
Click the button below and choose 'AARMS-CMS Student Poster Session' to submit your poster abstract.
Student Research Talks
December 2 & 3
Submission Deadline: November 13
Organizers: Daniel Zackon (McGill) and Karen Fletcher (Athabasca University)
The Canadian Mathematical Society Student Committee (CMS Studc) invites students (undergraduate and graduate) to present a talk on a topic of their choice at the Student Research Presentations Session during the 2023 CMS Winter Meeting. These presentations should introduce the student’s research to a general mathematical audience.
Any questions about the student sessions should be directed to the student session organizers at: studc-winter23-talks@cms.math.ca
To register for the session, contact the organizers of the session with an abstract by the deadline. Notice of acceptance will be given. Abstracts submitted after the deadline will be considered if space remains.
Presenters must also register for the meeting. Student members of the CMS who are presenting a poster or talk have significantly reduced registration costs. If you are not currently a member of the CMS, talk to your department chair about the possibility of becoming a university-sponsored student member for a reduced fee.
Student Social
Saturday December 2 | 19:00 - 21:00
Organizers: Alexander Clow (SFU) and Jérémy Champagne (Waterloo)
The CMS Student committee is organizing a Student Evening on Saturday December 2 at 7 p.m. at the Vieux Dublin! Come meet other students from across the country in a friendly Irish pub, far from the academic world. We even provide you with snacks, so come and have a drink with us! The event is free for all CMS Winter Meeting attendees.
Student Writing Workshop
Friday, December 1, 2023 | 9:00-12:00
Organizer: William Verreault (Université Laval) and Stéphanie Abo (Waterloo)
The Student Committee of the CMS is organizing a workshop titled ‘Advice on Listening to and Giving a Mathematics Presentation’ that will be held at the upcoming 2023 CMS Winter Meeting in Montreal.
The objective of the workshop is to train students in the art of giving mathematical talks. Specifically, to offer guidance and resources for listening and speaking about mathematics. Everyone is welcome to attend!
This workshop will be split into three parts. There will be presentations by Asif Zaman and Monica Nevins, the first focused on how to listen to a math talk and get the most out of it, the second on how to how to give effective talks. The remainder of the workshop will be spent applying what was presented in the talks on an elevator pitch for your own research.
This event is free of charge for those attending the meeting. It will take place on Friday, December 1st from 9:00 to 12:00. Please fill in the following Google form if you are interested in participating (this is not mandatory to attend the workshop but facilitates the process): StudC Workshop Form.