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Call for Sessions

2023 CMS Winter Meeting

Call for Scientific Sessions

The Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) welcomes and invites session proposals and mini-course proposals for the 2023 CMS Winter Meeting in Montréal from December 1-4, 2023.

In accordance with the CMS mandate to propose conferences that are accessible and welcoming to all groups, diversity amongst organizers and speakers is strongly encouraged. Diversity includes topics of interest, career stages, geographic location, and demographics.

Proposals should include: 

(1) Names, affiliations, and contact information for all session co-organizers. Early career researchers are encouraged to propose sessions.

(2) A title and brief description of the topic and purpose of the session. This can include an overview of the subject.

(3) The total number of expected talks, with a list of possible speakers and/or papers in the theme. Sessions should strive to respect the above CMS policy of accessibility and diversity.


Coming soon - Open Call for Abstracts: The CMS will continue the open abstract submission process that was recently introduced to support session organizers in their important work and in their efforts towards inclusivity and diversity.


The CMS kindly asks session organizers to consider all eligible abstract submissions for their session, as up to 30 speakers per session can be accommodated.


The scientific sessions will take place from December 2-4, 2023. 


Deadline: Proposals should be submitted by September 30, 2023, but earlier submissions will be considered first. Their contact information is as follows:


François Bergeron :
Simone Brugiapaglia:  
Alina Stancu: 
Sarah Watson:

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