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Call for Speakers

Call for Mini Courses

Call for Education Sessions

Call for Speakers
The Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) invites the mathematical community to the 2023 CMS Winter Meeting from December 1-4. All meeting activities are taking place at the Hilton DoubleTree Montreal. Four days of prize lectures, plenary speakers, scientific sessions and panels, with mini-courses on December 1.
Winter Meeting Program Available now!

AARMS/CMS Poster Winners!

Congratulations to our poster winners!
AARMS Award - Kate Nimegeers (University of Victoria)
President's Award - Silas Vriend (McMaster University)
StudC Award - Marco Mignacca (McGill University)
Saturday, December 2, 2023
12:00 - 1:30 pm
Symphonie 1 | Hilton DoubleTree Montréal
Join us for an LGBTQ2S+ Lunchtime Discussion. This is an opportunity to socialize in a supportive environment, network with peers and like-minded individuals, and discuss Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) issues within our communities. Participants will be seated in small groups to facilitate candid conversations. We will provide a suggested discussion topic at each table and participants will be able to choose which table to join.
This lunch is free for those registered to attend the CMS Winter Meeting, but an additional registration is required. Since space is limited, we kindly request that you register only if you intend to attend and that you cancel your registration if your plans change.
All interested participants and their allies are welcome. We look forward to connecting with many of you at the LGBTQ2S+ Lunchtime Discussion!

Université de Montréal, and the Founder and Scientific Director of Mila – Quebec AI Institute
Friday, December 1, 2023
Welcome Remarks 4:45pm
Public Lecture : 5:00pm - 6:00pm
Grand Salon Opéra | Hilton DoubleTree Montréal
Prize Speakers
Adrien Pouliot Prize Lecture

First Nations University of Canada
Coxeter-James Prize Lecture
Doctoral Prize Lecture

University of Toronto
Scientific Directors

François Bergeron

Simone Brugiapaglia
Concordia University

Alina Stancu
Concordia University
Scientific Organizing Committee

Andrijana Burazin
University of Toronto, Mississauga

Piotr Przytycki
McGill University

Antonio Lei
University of Ottawa
Sarah Plosker
Brandon University

Franco Saliola

Iosif Polterovich
Université de Montréal

Vasilisa Shramchenko
Université de Sherbrooke
Host Universities


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