
The CMS Summer Meeting will be hosting over 500 mathematicians from across Canada! Volunteers are needed to help at the CMS registration desk on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. All volunteers will receive a complimentary registration to the meeting and a CMS t-shirt.
Please note we are no longer taking any applications. Thank you for your interest.
Job Descriptions
Registration Desk
Upon arrival at the venue, please check in at the registration desk at least 5 minutes prior to the start of your shift.
The primary responsibility of a volunteer at the registration desk is to assist CMS staff. There will be a minimum of one CMS staff member at the registration desk at all times.
Hand out badges and delegate bags to registered delegates.
Provide information and give directions when necessary.
Volunteers will not be required to handle on-site registration. CMS staff will register and take payment for anyone wishing to register on-site.
AV Assistance
Upon arrival, please check in at the registration desk at least 15 minutes prior to the start of your shift. If you sign up for the AV shift, we will provide you with a run-down of the equipment and how to use it before you start.
The primary responsibility of a volunteer in the AV Assistance is to assist presenters.
This volunteer will also provide directions around campus to attendees looking for classrooms.
It is important that if you are volunteering for this role, that you have a good understanding of computers and how LCD projectors work.
Most presenters will be familiar with the equipment, but it is the volunteer’s role to assist them if they have difficulties. If the volunteer cannot solve the problem, the volunteer will contact the AV company’s technician to assist.
Directional Guide and Assistance
Upon arrival, please check in at the registration desk at least 15 minutes prior to the start of your shift. This position will help attendees navigate the University of Ottawa Campus. People may need assistance finding registration, coffee breaks and session rooms. Maps will be provided to guides and guides will be in various session locations around campus.