
All scientific and education sessions will take place at the University of Ottawa.
Detailed schedules can be found on our schedule page.
Scientific Sessions
Advances in AI/ML and Mathematics for Economics Modelling and Analysis
Applying mathematics to operations research and real life problems
Computational Aspects in Low-Dimensional Topology and Contact Geometry
Geometric Topology, pseudo-Anosov Maps, and Complex Dynamics
Group Symmetries and Equivariance in Algebra, Descent, Geometry, and Topology
Interaction Of Discrete and Convex Geometry with Analysis and Combinatorics
Mathematical Modelling of Ecological, Evolutionary and Infectious Disease Dynamics
Special Session in Number Theory in Celebration of the 70th Birthday of Ram Murty
Advances in AI/ML and Mathematics for Economics Modelling and Analysis
The Scientific Session on Advances in AI/ML and Mathematics for Economics Modelling and Analysis aims to bring together researchers and practitioners working in the intersection of these fields. The invited talks and selected presentations, from prominent researchers in academia, industry, and central banking, will demonstrate the use of AI/ML and mathematical techniques in economics modelling and analysis, with a focus on applications and case studies. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the use of advanced AI and ML techniques and tools for solving complex problems in computational economics, financial modelling, dynamics of economic systems, and the like.
Organizers: Stenio Fernandes, Masoud Nasari (Bank of Canada)
Applying mathematics to operations research and real life problems
Organizers: Du Nguyen (USA), Uyen Bao (Defense R&D Canada)
This session is devoted to sharing real-life operations research: challenges and successes. The applications can range from finance, to sensor detection, to quantum games and more. The number of mathematical techniques include everythign from machine learning to variational calculus to number theory.
Arithmetic Aspects of Automorphic Forms
Organizers: Antonio Lei (Ottawa), Giovanni Rosso (Concorida)
Automorphic forms arise naturally in many different settings of Number Theory: from elliptic curves and modular forms to the Langlands program. This session will focus on new developments and their applications, including new constructions of Euler systems via algebraic cycles, and variations of automorphic forms in families.
Organizers: Caitlin S. Daly (Cytel, Inc), Jemila S. Hamid (Ottawa), Bouchra Nasri (Montreal)
This Scientific Session will focus on recent developments of statistical methods applied in biomedical sciences, and will bring together statisticians working in academia, research institutes and industries. The presentations will be organized in two themes. The first theme is focused on methods and analyses of correlated outcomes, including advanced topics on analysis of longitudinal data, analysis of clustered longitudinal data, methodological developments for handling time-to event data with complex structured covariates, recent advanced in bilinear multivariate methods with applications to longitudinal outcomes from skewed distributions. The second theme focuses on evidence synthesis methods, including topics on meta-analysis, bi-variate meta-analysis, network meta-analysis as well as evidence synthesis and comparative effectiveness evaluations from an industry perspective.
C*-algebras and applications
Organizers: Thierry Giordano (Ottawa), Dolapo Oyetunbi (Ottawa), Pawel Sarkowicz (Ottawa), Charles Starling (Carleton)
This session aims to connect researchers in all aspects of C*-algebra theory, from those working on C*-algebras built from dynamical or algebraic data (e.g. C*-algebras built from groups, group actions, semigroups, groupoids, and so on) to classification problems.
Combined Games Session
Organizers: Melissa Huggan (Vancouver Island), Rebecca Miley (Memorial), Mehdi Salimi (StFX), Alexandra Wesolek (SFU)
This session will examine aspects of Combinatorial Game Theory and Pursuit-Evasion Games research. Combinatorial Game Theory is the study of two-player games with perfect information and no chance. It is an active research area intersecting combinatorics, algebra, and theoretical computer science. A pursuit-evasion game is about how to guide one or a group of pursuers to catch one or a group of moving evaders. The geometric formulation of the pursuit-evasion game is called continuous pursuit-evasion, while the graph formulation is called discrete pursuit-evasion or graph searching. One of the goals of their study is to find the winning strategies of the players as well as the optimal number of players to win the game. The main goal of this session is to bring together researchers in combinatorial game theory and continuous and discrete versions of pursuit-evasion games to disseminate their latest work. Applications to speak by all researchers welcome. This session may be accessible to undergraduate students.
Computational Aspects in Low-Dimensional Topology and Contact Geometry
Organizers: Maia Fraser(Ottawa), Emmy Murphy (Princeton), Michael Wong (Ottawa)
Recent advances in computational techniques have allowed us to take better advantage of various powerful theoretical machineries in low-dimensional topology (LDT) and contact geometry, including (but not limited to) knot and manifold invariants. A main goal of this session is to bring together researchers to further develop these computational methods. The session also aims to foster interactions between the LDT community, the contact and symplectic geometry community, and the machine learning (ML) community, to explore the interface among these disciplines, for example the potential to harness the power of ML to predict properties of topological objects that are otherwise difficult to determine.
Design Theory and Graph Decomposition
Organizers: Andrea Burgess (UNB), Peter Danziger (TMU), Alice Lacaze-Masmonte (Ottawa)
In 1850, Reverend Kirkman proposed the following problem. Fifteen children are to walk to school three abreast and once a day for seven days. Can they be arranged so that no two shall walk abreast twice? Known as the Kirkman’s schoolgirl problem, this problem is one of the first scheduling problem solved as a design theoretic problem and as a cycle decomposition problem. Since Reverend Kirkman proposed this famous problem, design theory and cycle decomposition have grown into rich and vibrant areas of combinatorics. The purpose of this session is to showcase re- cent results on topics such as games on designs, cycle decomposition of graphs and directed graphs, path decomposition of graphs and directed graphs, coloring of cycle systems, triple systems, covering arrays, latin squares and other topics in design theory and graph decomposition.
Early Career Research in Number Theory
Organizers: Cédric Dion(Laval), William Verreault (Laval)
This session aims to shine a light on the work of graduate students, postdocs and early career professors working in number theory, to give them more exposure and a chance to exchange ideas. All contributions in elementary, analytic, and algebraic number theory will be considered.
Equivariant Schubert calculus and beyond
Organizers: Kirill Zainoulline (Ottawa), Edward Richmond (Oklahoma State)
The proposed session will be focusing on new results and developments in cohomology theories of flag varieties and modern equivariant Schubert calculus. Research in Schubert calculus involves a rich variety of techniques coming from representation theory and combinatorics. The interactions between these techniques yield interesting connections between objects such as symmetric functions, partitions, root systems and Coxeter groups. In addition to discussing the research topics, the emphasis of the meeting will be on interactions between leading experts and young researchers, especially, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.
Geometric Topology, pseudo-Anosov Maps, and Complex Dynamics
Organizers: Mariam Alhawaj, Giulio Tiozzo, Abdul Zalloum (Toronto)
The interplay of geometric topology and complex dynamics have proved to be fruitful. Since the work of Thurston and his introduction of pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms there have been many recent new developments, including the construction of generalized pseudo-Anosov from Hubbard trees and the new progress in the twisted rabbit problem using combinatorial methods. The goal of this session is to bring experts of both fields in order to develop new connections between the two areas.
Geometry for PDE
Organizers: Goong Chen (Texas A&M), Ning Zhang (Central China University), Jie Xiao (Memorial)
This scientific session will bring together researchers who work in partial differential equations (PDE) with applications to computer science and mathematical physics through the efficient techniques of computational-convex-differential geometry and harmonic- numerical-potential analysis, thereby exchanging some ideas and fostering possible collaborations in these active areas.
Group Symmetries and Equivariance in Algebra, Descent, Geometry, and Topology
Organizers: Dorette Pronk, Deni Salja, Geoff Vooys (Dalhousie)
When posed with studying problems in pure mathematics, and especially problems that involve knowing spatial information, having knowledge of the symmetries that these problems possess is fundamental in understanding the nature of the problems. These symmetries can be either the direct object of study (as in representation theory), give new constructions to study (as group actions and quotients have given rise to orbifolds and stacks), contribute towards knowing the “correct” information on which to focus (as in equivariant descent, equivariant algebraic geometry, and equivariant algebraic topology), and generally give richer insight into the underlying structure of the problems we study. What is interesting about these different incarnations of symmetry and structure is that for each different mathematical discipline we have a different way with which to view and work with symmetries and equivariance. In this session, we seek to bring together researchers in all areas of mathematics to share our relative perspectives on equivariance and symmetry to learn from each other and help further our own works by using these new insights. In particular, we would like to bring together researchers in algebraic geometry, algebraic topology, arithmetic geometry, category theory, differential and symplectic geometry, (equivariant) homotopy theory, Hopf algebras, (p-adic) representation theory, sheaf theory, stack theory, topological data analysis, topological complexity theory, and other related areas.
Hopf Algebras and Related Topics
Organizers: Yevgenia Kashina (DePaul), Mitja Mastnak (St. Mary's), Mikhail Kotchetov, Yorck Sommerhäuser (Memorial)
A Hopf algebra is an algebra for which it is possible to define the tensor product of two modules. Hopf algebras are currently an area of very intense research, mainly motivated by its many connections to other fields and its many applications, ranging from conformal field theory to quantum computing. Conformal field theory and quantum computing are therefore also two of the related topics that are mentioned in the title; others include tensor categories, quantum groups, algebraic groups, and Hopf orders.
Interaction Of Discrete and Convex Geometry with Analysis and Combinatorics
Organizers: Károly Bezdek (Calgary), Ferenc Fodor (Szeged)
Discrete geometry investigates configurations of geometric objects (such as packings and coverings, combinatorial and metric theory of polytopes, geometric algorithms, rigidity theory, and the geometry of numbers), which may often be studied using methods from the theory of convex bodies. The field is further fueled by its connection to computational geometry. This scientific session is intended to be a meeting place for senior and junior experts of geometry, geometric functional analysis, probability and combinatorics in order to interact and share their ideas about current problems, recent advances and emerging directions in discrete and convex geometry.
Interplay Between Analysis and Convexity
Organizers: Michael Roysdon (ICERM, Brown), Deping Ye (Memorial), Yiming Zhao (Syracuse)
The field of Convex Geometric Analysis is one which has become very rich in recent years owing to its unique blend of the fields of Convex Geometry, Functional Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, PDEs and Probability. Convex Geometric Analysis concerns the study of convex bodies in finite dimensional normed spaces and linear invariants associated to them. Many problems of isoperimetric type (Busemann-Petty Problem, Mahler's conjecture, affine isoperimetric problems, and Brunn-Minkowski type inequalities) and PDEs of Monge-Ampère (Minkowski problems) are actively studied. This session will include reseachers employing methods from functional analysis, PDEs, calculus of variations, optimal transport theory and probability to solve these naturally occurring geometry problems.
Mathematical modelling in public health
Organizers: Hongbin Guo (Ottawa), Felicia Magpantay (Queens), Xiaoying Wang (Trent)
Mathematical modeling and analysis in public health plays an important role, especially during the recent pandemic. Interdisciplinary approaches involving mathematical and statistical analysis can help support public health decisions, including the design of better control efforts and the development of vaccination strategies against different infectious diseases. Purpose: This session will bring together researchers working on mathematical epidemiology with expertise in the development, analysis and inference of disease models, to present their recent advances and mathematical challenges. This session will also serve as a platform for junior and senior researchers to exchange new ideas and initiate potential collaborations.
Mathematical Modelling of Ecological, Evolutionary and Infectious Disease Dynamics
Organizers: Stacey Smith? (Ottawa), Jude Dzevela Kong (York)
Infectious diseases can have several drivers, including societal ones, as well as ecological and evolutionary forces acting on host-pathogen systems and interfaces. Humans can contribute to the emergence/re-emergence of infectious outbreaks, by various pathways, which pose a significant threat to human health, as well as to wild and domestic species. Human activities and perturbations of eco-evolutionary equilibria can also explain the increased frequency and severity of communicable diseases in the last decades. However, despite their importance, these variables are rarely assessed together. A deeper understanding of the interplay of the factors underlying disease emergence and modelling of the widespread influence of humans on host and pathogen evolutionary trajectories can potentially enable better control of epidemics, especially if we consider these variables from an integrative perspective. As such, this special session will be highly multidisciplinary and will bring together researchers working on different (sub-)fields of ecological, evolutionary, and infectious disease dynamics. The accepted abstracts will be those that use quantitative methods to study ecological, evolutionary or infectious diseases dynamics.
Mathematics of Machine Learning
Organizers: Ben Adcock (SFU), Tanya Schmah (Ottawa), Giang Tran (Waterloo), Hamid Usefi (Memorial)
Machine learning is having a profound impact on many different sectors including scientific re- search, industry, and policymaking. Yet, its mathematical foundations are still far from being well understood. While techniques such as deep learning have produced outstanding success on a wide range of real-world applications, it is increasingly well known that such methods may exhibit unpredictable performance or instabilities, and generally lack interpretability. Moreover, although stochastic optimization algorithms are ubiquitous in machine learning, their convergence properties are still not fully understood in the nonconvex framework. These and other gaps between theory and practice raise the pressing need for a broader, more comprehensive mathematical foundations for machine learning. This session will mark the fourth in a series of sessions at CMS meetings on this theme. Topics include (but are not limited to): deep learning, explainability and interpretability of deep neural networks, natural language processing, feature selection and dimensionality reduction, classification and regression, optimization methods for machine learning. Its aim is to bring together a diverse group of leading experts in mathematics of machine learning.
Matrices and Operators (Bilingual Session)
Organizers: Ludovik Bouthat (Laval), Javad Mashreghi (Laval), Frédéric Morneau-Guérin (TÉLUQ/Laval)
The objective of this session is to bring together researchers sharing an interest in various aspects of matrix theory or operator theory and to offer them the opportunity to discuss recent developments in these sub-disciplines.
Noncommutative Algebra and Noncommutative Geometry
Noncommutative geometry is a discipline with strong connections to mathematical physics, representation theory, and algebraic geometry. The field is defined by its use of geometric methods in the study of difficult questions about noncommutative algebras. This session will bring together people working on many different aspects of noncommutative algebra and noncommutative geometry with a focus on recent work in quantum groups, Artin-Schelter regular algebras, and Brauer theory.
Organizers: Jason Bell (Waterloo), Colin Ingalls (Carleton)
Noncommutative Geometry and Mathematical Physics
Noncommutative geometry (in the sense of Alain Connes) has applications in various fields of mathematics and mathematical physics. We aim at bringing together junior and senior researchers from various backgrounds to present recent progress in this area. This will be the opportunity for junior mathematicians in this field to present their work and interact with senior experts.
Organizers: Masoud Khalkhali (Western), Raphaël Ponge (Sichuan/Ottawa)
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
This session will cover recent developments of numerical methods for solving partial differential equations, for instance error estimation, adaptive algorithms, geometrical methods, uncertainty quantification, etc.
Organizers: Diane Guignard, Yves Bourgault (Ottawa)
Optimal Transport in Natural and Data Sciences
The section Optimal Transport in Natural and Data Sciences brings together and fosters collabo- rations among Canadian early-career researchers and international visitors from complementing mathematical and scientific communities that have been or are keen on working on optimal transport and its applications in natural and data sciences. Young researchers (Graduate students and Postdocs) are predominant among the speakers and are warmly encourage to submit a contribution.
Organizers: Augusto Gerolin (Ottawa), Abbas Momeni (Carleton)
P-adic Groups and Representations in the Langlands Program
This session welcomes speakers in all aspects of the local and global Langlands correspondence, including representations of p-adic groups, Galois representations, structure theory, characters and the construction of L-, A- and ABV- packets.
Organizers: Clifton Cunningham (Calgary), Monica Nevins (Ottawa)
Quadratic forms and Linear algebraic groups
An aftermath of the work of Rost and Voevodsky towards a proof of the Milnor- and Block-Kato conjectures has been the introduction of new geometric techniques as e.g. intersection theory, algebraic cobordism, or motivic cohomology, into the algebraic theory of quadratic forms, or more general the study of projective homogeneous varieties and torsors over algebraic groups. These methods allowed to prove many new results, of which not only a few have been out of the reach of 'classical' more algebraic methods. These investigations have had also an impact on Galois cohomology, and by some recent work on the vanishing and definition of Masey products even to the seemingly unrelated quest for a characterization of profinite groups which are absolute Galois groups. The purpose of the proposed session is to discuss recent developments and results in this area, and in particular to bring together leading experts and young researchers (graduate students and postdoctoral fellows),
Organizers: Kirill Zaynullin (Ottawa), Stefan Gille (Alberta)
Quantum Information Theory Session
The aim of the session is to bring together top researchers in quantum information who are at Canadian institutions, or with close ties to Canada. Talks will focus on a variety of prominent and current topics within quantum information theory including: non-local games, quantum correlations, quantum Shannon theory, quantum resource theories, operator algebraic and categorical quantum information, and quantum cryptography. There will also be a tutorial talk on the topic of self-testing in non-local games.
Organizers: Jason Crann (Carleton), Arthur Mehta (Ottawa)
Recent Advances in Mathematical Finance
Organizers: Alexandru Badescu (Calgary), Cody Hyndman (Concordia)
Mathematical Finance considers models, pricing, and management of financial variables; contracts, risks, and markets. The session includes, but is not limited to, talks on: stochastic modelling of financial assets; pricing and hedging derivative securities; term-structure of interest rates; portfolio management; credit risk; arbitrage theory; volatility forecasting; market microstructure and price formation; and computational methods and applications of machine learning in finance.
Set Theory and its Applications
Set theory traditionally serves as a foundation for mathematics and as the rigorous study of the infinite, however its role as a tool in other parts of mathematics has blossomed in recent decades. This session will invite researchers to speak on applications of set theory to a wide variety of different areas such as combinatorics, Banach spaces, operator algebra, topology, dynamics, and ergodic theory, as well as on topics in pure set theory.
Organizers: Iian Smythe (Winnipeg), Marcin Sabok (McGill)
Special Session in Number Theory in Celebration of the 70th Birthday of Ram Murty
Organizers: Kumar Murty (Toronto), Gary Walsh (Tutte, Ottawa)
Number Theory in Canada has an extremely strong tradition, and remains so today with several centers of research across Canada. The impact of Ram Murty's illustrious career to Number Theory in Canada is evident right across the country. In this session, we invite colleagues of Ram Murty in Number Theory from across Canada, and nearby states, to speak on their research, and where applicable, connections of their research to that of Ram Murty.
Student Research Talks
Organizers: Daniel Zackon (McGill), Alice Lacaze-Masmonteil (Ottawa)
The Canadian Mathematical Society Student Committee (CMS Studc) invites students (undergraduate and graduate) to present a talk on a topic of their choice at the Student Research Presentations Session during the 2023 CMS Summer Meeting. These presentations should introduce the student’s research to a general mathematical audience.
Theory and Application of Finite Fields
Organizers: Daniel Panario (Carleton), David Thomson (Carleton), Qiang Wang (Carleton)
Finite fields provide the foundation for many aspects of secure and robust communications, finite geometries, combinatorial structures, and more. Their applications include coding and information theory, symmetric and asymmetric cryptography, efficient computer arithmetic, constructions of combinatorial structures for RADAR, SONAR, software testing, and so on.
Education Sessions
A conversation on implementations of inquiry-based learning techniques (Panel)
Organizers: Camelia Karimianpour (Toronto), Stan Yoshinobu (Toronto)
Inquiry-based learning (or IBL) methods have been implemented in many different forms, from small proof-based undergraduate or graduate courses, to large first-year courses, and in K-12 math classes across North America. In this panel, we will hear from faculty with a diverse set of experiences about how they implement IBL during the first hour, and then break into smaller “round-table” conversations for the second hour. All math instructors interested in IBL are welcome to attend. 8:30-9:30 Panel Discussion and Q&A 9:30-9:40 Break 9:40-10:30 Round Tabel Discussions Panlists: Deborah Hughes Hallett, University of Arizona and Harvard Kennedy School Gavin LaRose (virtual), University of Michigan Cindy Blos, University of Toronto Stan Yoshinobu, University of Toronto, Camelia Karimianpour, University of Toronto The purpose of this panel is to initiate a conversation among those of us who have been practicing IBL in our classes and those who are interested in doing so or are on the fence to exchange ideas, and concerns and explore re solutions that may be applied in a variety of settings. We would like to know more about the background and interest of our audience, so that we can tailor the session to your needs. If you are planning to attend our panel, and/or the round table discussions, please take a minute to fill out this form. (https://forms.office.com/r/M2LtjKmFuE)
Skills Coaching in Mathematics Classrooms
Organizers: Andrew Skelton (York) and Tyler Pattenden (King’s)
In many post-secondary mathematics courses, the focus is squarely on mathematical content, but we know there are far more intangible skills a student develops in the mathematics classroom. The aim of this session is to make those intangible skills more tangible. The Conference Board of Canada’s Employability Skills brochure lists 16 skills that are needed to improve ability and thrive in the workplace and beyond. Problem-solving and numeracy, typically the highest priorities in most post-secondary mathematical classrooms, are just two of these 16 skills, so how do we explicitly teach and evaluate progress in other skills? Studies have shown that focusing simultaneously on mathematical and other academic skills is invaluable in helping students with the high school to university mathematics transition (Lake et al 2017) . In this session, we want to learn from instructors who have developed tools that help with the explicit, intentional, and targeted teaching and learning of a skill, rather than a mathematical concept. This skill could be, but is certainly not limited to, communication, group work, learning skills, peer evaluation, reflection, goal setting, using multiple representations, or research skills. We are interested in hearing about the development of your tool, any obstacles you faced and how you have or might evaluate the success of your intervention.
Sophisticated Stories from the High School Classroom
Organizers: Peter Taylor (Queen’s) and Chris Suurtamm (Ottawa)
Much has been written about the need to bring more rich, engaging and authentic mathematics into the school classroom. We will invite high school teachers to work with one or two sophisticated math activities in the 2023 winter-spring term, write a report about it—the experience of both teacher and students—and discuss their findings in this session. A collection of suggested problems will be made available to these teachers. We invite faculty and graduate students in mathematics and math education to interact with the teachers and discuss with them the question of what kinds of experience prepare students for success at university. We will be able to give some travel and registration support to any teacher who is interested in presenting or simply attending.