
Emmy Murphy
Princeton University
Emmy Murphy is a professor studying symplectic and contact geometry. Primarily her work approaches this subject using tools from smooth topology, h-principles, and Floer theory. Following her graduation from Stanford University, she held positions at MIT and Northwestern, and is presently at Princeton University.
Flexibility in contact and symplectic geometry
Saturday June 3, 2023 | 11:00am - 12:00pm
There is a notion of flexibility, which acts as a touchstone in a large number of geometric contexts. Originally framed by Gromov as the h-principle, the topic has expanded broadly to influence many fields. The talk will discuss flexibility in symplectic geometry, Stein geometry, and contact geometry, and how the notions of flexibility inter-relate between them. A particular interest here are the flexible/rigid dichotomies we see in these geometries, which has seen rapid progress in recent years. The talk will discuss the general notions and framework, and give a broad tour of recent developments.